Thursday, 2 May 2013

May 2013 News from the Nursery

We are enjoying a lovely spell of weather and gardeners are at last being able to be in the garden in these pleasant conditions.
Growing plants has also become easier with higher temperatures and better light levels.
Every year the transformation of deciduous shrubs into garden beauties is fascinating.
The fragrant Ribes odoratum has sat patiently until the time was right and is now looking and smelling great.
Pretty Lonicera syringantha is just coming out - the fragrant clusters of pink flowers are complimented by the shrub's small leaves.
Viburnum sargentii Onondaga is another spring delight, the bronzy foliage is looking lovely and the flat flower heads are about to open.
Talking of fragrant plants, the climbing Loniceras (Honeysuckle) are looking good. Very useful for clothing fences, pergolas or growing up in a tree. They are good nectar plants for insects.

For summer tubs in hot places, like a paved terrace, why not try Pelargonium Lady Plymouth or Pelargonium Royal Oak the scented leaves and mauvy-pink flowers make a nice combination.
Lavender makes a good tub filler for warm spots and we currently have a range in 9cm pots - just right to fill a container.Once again these fragrant plants attract butterflies and insects.