Wednesday, 11 December 2013

December 2013 News from the Nursery

We would like to thank all our customers for the orders they have sent us during the year – much appreciated in what has been a challenging year for sales. Can the weather for 2014 be any more challenging – I hope not!

At the moment, as I sit at the kitchen table writing this, we are having gentle December weather, light wind – dry – and on the verge of sunny. Ideal for doing jobs that would be unpleasant in rain or snow. The blackbirds, many are new arrivals from Scandinavia and Germany, insist on scratching and pecking all the old leaves out from under my Bay Laurus noblis onto the path, which will become slippery when wet. I think I shall brush them up and tuck them behind my Camellias where they can root through them for food without making a mess. The annual invasion of continental birds have eaten lots of the berries in the garden. We do still have some autumn colour on deciduous plants, but leaves are falling quickly as we have now had a few frosts.

The evergreens are becoming more noticeable now and proving their worth in the winter garden. There still plants that flower in these winter months that give fragrance above flamboyance.
Sarcococcas are very fragrant and prefer shade. Viburnum x bodnantense Dawn have flowers on and off for months and smell good. Correas which are selling well are unfortunately not fragrant but have nice neat evergreen leaves and flower over a long period – they need a position out of cold drying winds, but are well worth growing. They can also be grown in a container for a cool conservatory or sheltered porch.

Rosemarys are also plants that flower intermittently through the winter and early spring months. We have Rosmarinus officinalis Haifa starting to flower now. This is a low growing variety for trailing down walls and banks or over a big pot. Rosemarys need sun and good drainage.

For a Christmas gift to a gardener who would like to browse our site and chose their own plants, we have our Gift Vouchers. Delivery can be arranged for when the recipient is ready to take the order.

Happy Christmas and A Prosperous New Year

Friday, 1 November 2013

November 2013 News from the Nursery

To say its wet around the nursery would be an understatement and we have more forecast in the form of weather fronts approaching from the Atlantic. Because plants in pots are more prone to staying too wet we have been taking some into tunnels with net sides with plenty of ventilation things like lavender, agapanthus (which also get root damage in pots from hard frosts) some of the Salvia's we grow also have to be taken in for the winter. If they were planted in a well drained sunny site in the garden they would be fine and shot away in spring but being in a small cold pot on a windy exposed nursery bed is quite different. So we put Salvia Phylis's Fancy and Wendy's Wish inside and some of the shrubby ones like Pink Blush and Christine Yeo if we have room, as they get so battered on the outside beds, if we don't have room we prune them down when they make new growth and they quickly regenerate. Last winter I lost my Salvia Wendys wish, it was shooting out from near the base in spring and then was killed by late very cold weather. This time I shall try and remember to protect it with fleece or mulch over the shoots.

The gales of late have unfortunately broken some plants down that would have normally given many more weeks of interest in the garden. Herbaceous and grasses might look better if damaged and askew to be cut back now. Any shrubs that have had damage should definitely have broken shoots/branches removed cleanly. Trees might require professional attention especially if any danger of damage to property.

Ensure planted up tubs have a space between ground level to allow water to drain away. Buy pottery feet from garden centres or improvise with stones or pebbles or half bricks for large containers.
Apart from it being a bit wet and windy now is an excellent time for planting as the ground is warm. Use boards to avoid compacting soil if working on the borders. The plants will develop a root system over the autumn and winter and grow away quickly next year.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

October 2013 News from the Nursery

At this time of year much of the colour in the garden is from evergreen foliage or coloured stems. Shapes of plants and sculptured shapes in hedges and topiary also become more prominent and important.
The froth of gardens in the summer months gives way to a more calm and sleek effect.
Not only are plants in one form or another important, but any hard landscaping can compliment the sharper look in winter.
When winter strips the garden to its bare bones, pathways, walls, features like large tubs, pergolas and seating areas can make the garden come to life as the shadows of low winter sunshine hit a strategic feature for example an urn.
Evergreen grasses are good for winter in these sorts of situations.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

September 2013 News from the Nursery

From June this year we have been potting everything on the nursery in peat free compost.
For 2 years we have been using a biological (instead of chemical) control against vine weevil grubs, incorporated in the compost by our supplier. So far the results are good and we have had no species of plants take a dislike to it.

The coming winter will complete the first season of peat free, so all the results will be in by then. We are pleased so far and the nursery is full with late summer perennials and flowering grasses. Best of all heaving with butterflies including Clouded Yellows of which we had none last year and moths. The migrant Silver Y and Humming Bird Hawkmoth are back again in some numbers.
Huge bumblebees are a bit of a hazard - they object to dead heading and get flustered if thrown into a pile of almost over flowers and get buried!

Sales have been good for July and August althou gh they usually drop due to a) holidays
and b)the garden was pepped up in the spring after any winter losses or just an inspirational ''its spring'' sort of urge.

Although the weather is still lovely the lawns seem to have recovered, so we must have had sufficient rainfall to satisfy their thirst.
Borders can be dry though and perhaps some nice gentle rain would be welcome.

The shrubby Salvias are flowering well and will continue until it gets into winter.
Some varieties we have available in 2 litre pots and others like the delicious dark red Dyson's Crimson are in 9cm pots ready to pot on, plant out or put in a tub for late colour.

Friday, 5 July 2013

July 2013 News from the Nursery

With the weather forecast predicting 30° C, summer must be here. The gardens are looking good and the aroma of barbecues is in the air.

To maximise sitting in the garden as opposed to working in the garden - why not plant ground cover plants. Not only do they suppress weeds, they also stop the moisture evaporating.
Hardy geraniums are easy and flower for long periods, growing well in sun or partial shade.
Ajugas are good early flowering plants and provide early nectar for bees.
Nepetas are good coverers and look great billowing along the edge of pathways. - Plant a couple of feet in to allow for growth, especially varieties ''Walkers Low'' and ''Six Hills Giant'' - ''Kit Kat'' is smaller and more compact.
For a sunny spot Helianthemum Georgeham - deep pink - makes a lovely low mound and will also trail down a wall or bank.
Fuchsias - still some available in 9cm pots - are amazing value flowering until winter in sun or partial shade.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

May 2013 News from the Nursery

We are enjoying a lovely spell of weather and gardeners are at last being able to be in the garden in these pleasant conditions.
Growing plants has also become easier with higher temperatures and better light levels.
Every year the transformation of deciduous shrubs into garden beauties is fascinating.
The fragrant Ribes odoratum has sat patiently until the time was right and is now looking and smelling great.
Pretty Lonicera syringantha is just coming out - the fragrant clusters of pink flowers are complimented by the shrub's small leaves.
Viburnum sargentii Onondaga is another spring delight, the bronzy foliage is looking lovely and the flat flower heads are about to open.
Talking of fragrant plants, the climbing Loniceras (Honeysuckle) are looking good. Very useful for clothing fences, pergolas or growing up in a tree. They are good nectar plants for insects.

For summer tubs in hot places, like a paved terrace, why not try Pelargonium Lady Plymouth or Pelargonium Royal Oak the scented leaves and mauvy-pink flowers make a nice combination.
Lavender makes a good tub filler for warm spots and we currently have a range in 9cm pots - just right to fill a container.Once again these fragrant plants attract butterflies and insects.

Friday, 1 March 2013

March 2013 News from the Nursery

At last we have seen an end to excessive rainfall. The weather lately, although colder, has been very drying and our mud has disappeared rapidly. The farmer next to us has even cultivated some land, quite remarkable how quickly things can change.
The late winter has brought out the earliest flowering plants – Vincas being a good example. The Vinca difformis AGM (RHS Award of Garden Merit) and its varieties have been flowering for weeks and show no sign of stopping. Vinca major oxyloba (syn. Dartington Star) is a lovely dark violet blue and is about to flower, excellent ground cover under trees.
Iris unguicularis AGM is another gem for this time of year. Its big pale blue flowers nestling in leaves looks too fragile to be real.
The early flowering Clematis montanas are starting to leaf and in a sheltered spot in the garden one has quite big flower buds. At the moment we have a range of varieties in 9 cm pots. We will be potting these on into 2 litre pots any time soon, so if you want to purchase these do so now or there will be a gap before the new crop is ready.
We are appreciating our shelter hedges with the chill easterly blowing, especially our lovely Viburnum tinus Lucidum, which is still flowering away with its big heads of fragrant white flowers not being put off by the cold.
On the theme of big white flowers the Russian Vine - Fallopia baldschuanicum has large heads of small individual flowers which are impressive. Most impressive is this plants ability to grow in front line coastal conditions.
Now is the time to prune down grasses like Hakonechloa and Miscanthus that may have been left for winter interest. If they are not pruned now the new growth may get damaged when done later.
In warm (relatively!) areas the Grevilleas are good winter flowering evergreens and although a bit exotic looking are not as tender as they look. They need sun to ripen wood for the rigours of winter, good drainage and shelter from cold winds. Not suitable for chalky soils.
Standing outside here on the nursery is a batch of plants that look very good and about to flower. Ribes speciosum makes a good spiny shrub and would easily deter the “postie” taking a short cut or good when trained on a wall. The bright red tubular flowers hang down from the branches rather like Fuchsia flowers.
Viburnum x burkwoodii AGM has held its flower buds through the winter and they are now expanding and starting to show colour. They are pink in bud and white when open. Gorgeous fragrance.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

February 2013 News from the Nursery

Things are starting to move in the garden now even though the weather has been either really cold or really wet.
One of the things that is very pleasant when the garden is too wet to work on is being able to enjoy fragrances. Many of our plants are fragrant and add a little extra to their other attractions of leaf shape colour, flowers and form.
Holbellia coriacea is a plant that is highly scented and has good evergreen foliage. Grow in sun for maximum flowering.
The Jasmines are very fragrant especially in the evening when they attract moths. The fragrant Jasmines are the Jasmine officinale varieties and also the pink flowering Jasmine x stepanese. For the conservatory or milder gardens Jasminium polyanthum.
Many of the Clematis montanas have a lovely scent including Mayleen and Elizabeth.
The deciduous honeysuckles (Loniceras) are fragrant, varieties like Lonicera x americana and Lonicera periclymenum Graham Thomas. There are always exceptions to rules and one being Lonicera x brownii Dropmore Scarlet – very lovely bright orangey red flowers, but sadly no scent. Perhaps one to plant further away from the house but with its vivid flowers easily seen.
A good fragrant Lonicera that is evergreen is Lonicera similis delavayii – long narrow tubular flowers, white to yellow, and it is a late season flowering summer into autumn.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

January 2013 News from the Nursery

We would like to wish you a Happy New Year and hopefully an easier year in which to garden.
All quiet here at the Nursery, although we have been sending out plants this week, much to our surprise! We thought no one would be thinking of plants with all the wet weather we have had. What do we know! However it is nice to plan and look forwards and not back. The weather is very mild and some plants are beginning to break out into green buds. I have been tidying up Lonicera’s this morning and the leaf buds have burst.
For sheltered mild coastal gardens the Correa’s are good now with flowers varying from white to green and pinks.
Lonicera winter Beauty is in flower now and for some weeks to come – nice to pick bits for the house.
Chaenomeles speciosa Nivalis is all in bud and will soon be covered in large white flowers – again nice to pick for indoors.
The Jasminum nudiflorum are in flower and make an excellent wall shrub.
Looking forward to spring the Ribes are a useful addition to the garden. We have nice sturdy plants of Ribes speciosum and Ribes odoratum as well as the more unusual Ribes x gordonianum.
The Viburnum's are looking good especially the Viburnum tinus Eve Price they are in bud/flower and would make an empty tub look good for the rest of the winter. The Viburnum tinus Lucidum (also in bud/leaf) is a larger growing variety and makes an excellent wind break.
For spring delight plant a Viburnum sargentii Onodaga the new leaves are a coppery colour with flattened heads of white flowers to follow. Upright grower.
To liven up empty containers plan evergreen grasses like Uncinia rubra or the arching Carex testacea. Trouble free and don’t mind being blown about. Colours look good in the low winter sun.