Thursday, 1 December 2011

December 2011 News from the Nursery

So now we have all tidied our gardens. Wrapped up or taken indoors tender plants. Mulched plants, which are in need of protection if left in the ground, Dahlias for example. Have fleece at the ready for that cold weather that will unfortunately come some time soon.
We have had a very mild start to winter so far and many plants are bursting leaf buds or even coming into flower, like my Drimys winteri. There is nothing we can do about this, but hope not too much damage is done to the plants when the temperature drops.
Here in South Devon we are having some much needed rainfall. We are not as dry as the Midlands but I think many areas are short of the average.
Gardens are beginning to look a bit empty now with summer colour at last coming to the end of a very long season. Evergreen plants now come into their own and give some structure and focal points – as well as shelter for wildlife, to the garden. Talking of wildlife we have noticed that ladybirds are everywhere and in large numbers. Perhaps the colder winters of the last two years have suited their life cycle.
Don’t forget we have gift tokens and cards we can put your Christmas greetings.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


We have now had enough rainfall to moisten the soil. This has been encouraging our landscape customers to get planting. Previously the ground was so dry it was difficult to get the plants established.

Grasses have been one of our best sellers recently and their popularity is well deserved. At this time of year they add so much to the autumn and winter garden. They associate well with Asters (Michaelmas Daisies), Kniphofias, Phlomis russelliana and Salvias.
Try combinations and see what works, or visit gardens with borders where you can see the effects of an established planting scheme.
Cornus alba Varieties are looking especially good at the moment with their bright red stems, as are many of the grass stems like Molinia caerulea arundinacea Moorhexe.

Fleece is excellent for covering plants to give them protection from frost and wind chill.
The early cold spells that were predicted have not arrived, but unfortunately they will at some time. So instead of panicking at the last minute, make sure you have a space cleared in a sheltered spot for putting your tubs of plants that don't like too much winter wet. This could be by a house wall for example - in the lee of the prevailing wind and rain.
Bubble wrap to put around the outside of pots - Agapanthus do not like frozen roots. Bubble wrap can also be used to line greenhouses to keep the temperature up and stop the loss of expensive heating if used.
Make sure there is still the option for ventilation on warmer days to combat mildews and moulds, which would quickly appear on any foliage damaged by cold weather.

Try to get any summer bedding filled containers replanted before it gets cold, so that new plants get established. Plant evergreens, perhaps with bulbs to come up in the spring.
Empty pots can look a bit depressing in the winter, so tidy away any not required in a frost free place to save them from being cracked if the weather is really cold.

Friday, 1 July 2011

July 2011 News from the Nursery

I have been trying hard to find something positive subject to write about in my monthly ramblings. The conditions have been challenging to everyone. Rain has been the obvious problem for most stopping us gardening. The high rainfall has caused plants to grow rampantly and then fall about with the weight of water, urged on its way by winds ranging from gale force to constant changes in direction. Lawns have gone from dried out in some areas to overgrown and tufty due to not being able to get the mower out.
Well that’s enough winging and stating the obvious. Now for the positive things:-
Trees – They are bursting with new growth. After such a long period of insufficient ground water they are having as much water as they want.
Planting – When an opportunity arises such as a dry day there is nothing to stop you planting new shrub or tree – moving odd smallish thing and knowing the ground is wet and warm, ideal for root establishment.
Tubs – Not such a worry when they are left to their own devices over a weekend, likewise hanging baskets. My lemon in a pot has never looked so good; I obviously have not been watering it enough before!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

March 2011 News From The Nursery

It’s the first of March and the nursery is engulfed in a thick mist – no view to the estuary and no breeze to shift it. The important thing is that its mild and the plants are getting that perky spring look.
We have started supplying wholesale orders to local garden centres. Where their customers are venturing out of the tearooms and looking at plants. This phenomenon happens suddenly every year at the same time! There is probably a mathematical formulae for it!
Our customers seem a keener bunch and have been buying that special plant steadily since the New Year. Brightening our duller days, of which last week there were many.
Pulmonaria Blue Ensign is a spring delight also the scented Violet Viola odorata gives pleasure this time of year. The unusual Arisarium pro. Looks good the foliage, which dies down when it gets hot, is excellent low ground cover for planting with small spring bulbs and the flower is amusing. We still have a few Ribes laurifolium and Ribes speciosium for spring colour.
This is the time of year when many over wintered 9cm plants are potted into 2 or 3 litre pots, so there may be some gaps in this range until the next batches of plugs are established into 9 cm pots.